Primary Education

Primary Education is the initial stage of education and has as its basic aim to create, establish and offer opportunities to all children, regardless of age, gender or country of origin, to achieve a balanced cognitive, emotional and psychomotor development.

Pre-Primary Education is compulsory for all the children that have reached the age of four years and eight months by the 1st of September of the year their tuition is due to begin. Attendance of Primary Education is compulsory for all the children that have reached the age of five years and eight months.

The various areas for which the Primary Education Department is responsible include: Primary Education (private and state primary schools), Pre-Primary Education (private, public and community Pre-Primary schools), Special Education (special schools, special units and support services offered to children with special needs who are taught inclusively in public primary and Pre-Primary schools), the Cyprus Educational Mission (Cyprus community schools in Great Britain), the Education of the children of Greek of the Diaspora, Educational and Summer Camps, and Adult Education Centres.

More information can be found at the website of the Department of Primary Education, as well as the School Guide for parents and pupils.